Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

dear-diary-by-stephanie-hwang chapter 1


Dear Diary,

It has been a year, since I started to write smut about my unnies and I.

As you well know I started to write love stories about everyone in the group, since that is what our sones like, and I got hooked on it.

It has become an addiction to update atleast a few times a week, and read what others had been writting about us.

As I have told you many times before, I am not bisexual or anything like that, but I find it exciting to write stories that our sones love to read, and they love when I write smut about us.

As you well know I write love stories about me and Taeyeon, since alot of people are shipping us as a couple, but I started to read of other pairings in our group, so I decided to make some "one shots" as they call them, and love stories of the others aswel.

I shouldnt be doing this, I know that, but it is just so funny to get comments back of my writting, I just hope they will never find out.
Tiffany have always had a passion for writting.
She have always been open about her sing&song writing, but she have never told anyone that she secretly write smut stories about SNSD in forums.

Can she keep it a secret from the rest of the group when the homepage is noticed in the media?


Authors note : Not sure how Rated H this is gonna be, but I am sure this is stil exciting enough to keep you byuns out there interested ;)

It will mainly be from Tiffanys POV since it will be her diary we are gonna follow.

Oh.. and I am adding new people... but their roles are still uncertain ^^
(Tiffany POV)


I looked up from my laptop and Taeyeon was standing in the door.

She looked tired, must have been a long day for her.

"Hey Taetae.."

I smiled at her.

She walked over to my bed and layed beside me, to see what I was doing, and by the  time it took her to get into the bed, I had already closed the browser, and had a recent onworking lyric opened in a document.

"Ahh... you still looking working on that song ?"

Her head was resting on my lap, as she was reading the lyric.

"Yeaaah..." I yawned at her, and stroked her hair.

She turned her head, and looked up at me.

"Mmmm... I miss the old times, from when we were in trainee..."

Her eyes was closed and she was seemingly enjoying my stroking.

Images of my recent fanfic came to view in the front of my eyes.

I tried to shake the pictures out of my head, but a distinct scene popped up in my head, and I stopped stroking her hair.

Blood started to stream up in my face, and I felt myself blushing and lifted my hand.

Taeyeon looked at me, and was smiling, her eyes half closed.

"hmmm.. why are you blushing?"

"Aish.. nothing Taetae... I was just reminiscing the past aswel... been a long time since we had some spare time together?"

"Ayigo... you are right... we really should try to find some time in our schedules?"

Hmmm maybe.... (tif)


I looked down at Taeyeon who was half sleep on my lap.

"You could just stay.... here... ?"

Taeyeon yawned her agreement.

"Juuust... like... old ... times...."

I smiled at the little figure slowly falling into deep sleep on my lap, and opened the browswer again, to check if anyone had commented on my recent post.

@SNSDLOVER93 : Aaaaaaahhhh I love it! TaeNy forever! I love it so much! TaeNy is so cute... I know they are real!

@<3TaeNy4ever : Ayigo, sweet moment! :D :D More byunTae pleeeaasse!! :D~ :D~ *drool* ;)

I smiled at the comments, made a few minutes after my last post.

Taeyeon had closed the door when she entered, so I shutdown my laptop and put it on my bedside table, and tugged myself close beside her.

I nuzzled her hair while falling a sleep again, and earned a few sighs from Taeyeon.

What if my stories were real... how would that be?

Nah... Taeyeon is straight... I know that... would be wierd... but could be funny.. maybe just experiment?

Thoughts flew through my head, as I felt sleep taking over, with Taeyeons low breathing as my lullabi.


First chapter done, just an intro to the story, no worries more to come, I just made this to give you a taste of what is coming...

I really have to finish my other fanfics first.. but this here seemed like a good idea ;)

Hope I am not hitting anyones username here ;D I will edit it out asap if I did so :P

Maybe I could update; "I miss you alot", and "Dear Diary", at the same time.
I woke up early the next morning, feeling sweaty

Taeyeon was spooning me from behind, and I felt a bit uncomfortable with the closeness.

There was nothing going on, I knew that, but images from my ongoing fanfic popped back into my head, so I felt more awkward about the situation.

I shouldnt feel awkward at all.. she is my unnie! (tif)

I moved a bit away from her, and lifted her arm away from me.

She ruffled a bit, sighing deeply when I layed her arm beside her head.

The early morning light was shimmering through the small window.

I opened it a bit to get a some of fresh air into the small room.

Looking back at Taeyeon, hair all over her small face, I couldnt hold back a smile.

"Just like oldtimes..." I whispered to myself.

Taeyeon opened her eyes, slowly, noticeing me not at her side.

Her small head quickly scanned the room.

"Aaaaawwww... Tipani... why are you up so early..."

She yawned weakly, holding a hand infront of her mouth, and let her head fall back on the bed.

I sat beside her and put my hand on her back.

"... I just felt really warm... I needed some fresh air.."


Her voice was slightly muted as her face was buried in one of the pillows.

I let my hand stroke up and down her back.

"I really miss this..."

My voice was hardly noticable, but Taeyeon rolled over, and opened her sleepy eyes.

"Yah... me to... come.. lie next to me.."

Her arms wrapped around my waist, and she pulled me down.

Willingly, I let her pull me, and we layed there, our face close to eachother.

Eventhough she had just woken up, a smile lit up her face, which automatically made me smile aswel.

"waah... what are you smiling at?" I said, looking at the dorky figure next to me.

She giggled her dorky laugh, and poked my nose a few times with her finger.

"Nothing... just missing this..."

I nodded, and closed my eyes.

Her finger left my nose, and I felt her hand running through my hair, slowly moving downwards to my back.

I turned, so I was lying on my stomach, and she pricked her fingers on my back, playfully.



 I was enjoying her prickling massage, saying it mildly.

"... you know... " Her voice was trailing off.

She wasnt sure if she should say it or not.

"mmm Tae?"

"... well..."

Silence filled the room as her fingers was still playing around on my back, now making small circles here and there.

Suddenly I felt her breathing on my chin.

Her hands had stop playing with my back.

I still had my eyes closed, but I was certain she had moved closer to me.

Soft lips touched my chin ligthly.

The faint sound of her kiss, echoed through my head.

I opened my eyes, and Taeyeons face was right infront of mine.

Her eyes was closed, as she slowly moved to my nose.

I closed my eyes shut, and anticipated her warm lips on my nose.

Seconds felt like an eternity.

Air from her nose hit me between my eyes, and I felt like shuttering, but I held it back.

Nothing happend.

I opened my eyes, and she had moved her head back again.

Her cheeks was faintly red, but she was stil smiling.


I giggled at her.

"Its okay... I actually enjoyed it... good way to wake up and feel loved."

I gave her a dazzling smile.

Her face froze for a second, her smile vanishing.

Then composing herself, she smiled at me again, and quickly moved forward and pecked my nose.


She said with her dorky tone, and then put her head back on the bed.

I pouted at her, to show how I was not happy with the last kiss she gave me.

"I liked the first one better..."

She laughed at me holding her hand up to hide her face in embarrassment.

Her eyes was smiling widely.

"aish.. then close your eyes..."

Her dorky tone was back, and so I did as I was told.

Slowly closing my eyes, I once again, counted the seconds in my head.

I was anticipating her lips, but she took me by surprise.

This time it wasnt just a peck.

Her small warm lips, connected with mine, and she pushed slightly harder against mine.

I opened my eyes widdening them.

Her mouth was opening and her tongue pushed against my lips.

I knew I should have stopped her, but I didnt.

I let lust take over and let her tongue into my mouth, and started to play with it.

Her hands was quickly under my pyjamas, and was heading towards my breasts.

Yeah... I guess that will do..

I looked through the chapter once again, checking for spelling errors, it looked fine.

Then doubled checked the tittle, description and foreword, to make sure I was contend with it.

I looked beside me, where Taeyeon was still sleeping.

Thanks for the inspiration Taetae...

I smiled to myself, and clicked, post chapter.

I should be updating the others, but she just gave me inspiration for a new story.

Dear Diary,

Writing about our real lives, with a few smut twists in between, would make an interesting story. Dont you think?

Why havent I thought about this before?

Taeyeon sleeping over gave me this idea.

Yeah.. I love her... she is my sister.. nothing else.

I know, I wont misinterpret reality with my own stories, I can handle it.

Off to do some training excersis soon, I think. We have been giving a few days of relaxation, so might aswel do something.

Dont have any plans yet, maybe I should do something? But what?


Another update! Yeah.. I know I should be writing on "I miss you alot" ... SORRY! Anyway.. gonna try to focus back on the other, but Ive decided that this week I will try and update on both of them :)
After posting the new update, I got out from bed.

The clock on my bedside table said 8:23 AM.

I went into the living room where Seohyon was sitting on the couch reading as always.

"Good morgen..." I yawned lazily at her and stretched my arms in the air.

She looked up from her book  and waved at me.

"Unnie... you are up early?"

It looked like she had been up in a while, she didnt look sleepy at all.

I walked back to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water in the fridge.

Then headed back to sit beside her.

"Yeah... Taeyeon decided to crash my room last night..."


I looked at her, she looked distressed.

"Huh? What ?"

She frowned a bit.

"Sunny unnie was very upset last night, because Taeyeon wasnt home when she got back..."

"Oh... "

Her frown vanished, and she smiled again.

"Well.. good to know she was just sleeping with you..."

I felt like blushing.

Sleeping with me... hihi...

Dirty thoughts ran through my head.


She had noticed me spacing out for a moment.


She put a finger on her lip and was thinking deeply how to say it.

"... Yoong... Yongwha texted me last night..."

I blinked a few times, making sure I heard correct, since my mind was circling around some dirty idea, that had just popped into my head.

"Yoong... ahh... your husband."

We were still teasing her everynow and then about her and Yongwha, since they made such an adorable couple on the TV-show "We got married", where they had been branded the goguma couple.

She hid her face in her hand.

"Ayigo..... he wants to have a coffee with me..."

She was acting a bit wierd.

They had become very comfortable around eachother the past year after they had left the show, and she had been out with him a few times just to talk.

"Why do you say ayigo?"

She shook her head and smiled into her book, blinking a few times, to hide her truth.

Since she was acting like she was starting to concentrate about her book again, I decided to push her further.


I had raised my voice a bit.

She looked at me, then down into her book again.

I giggled at her.

"Aissh.. you really do like him.. huh?"

Hesitating for a second she responded, shaking her head.


She lifted her eyes from the book, and nodded slowly.

"So that was a yes then?"

She nodded again, trying to hold back the big smile appearing on her face.

"Hihihih! Yaaaaah! So you finally gave him 10 gogumas!?"

I grinned and clapped excitedly, almost forgetting the rest of the members were probably still sleeping.

She let go of her book and lowered her head, as if to hide herself.

Seeing her blushing widely, putting her hands above her hand, as to make cover, I smiled and went to her side and held her tight.

"Stop teasing Unnie..."

I patted her back a few times, and shook my head.

"I am not teasing... I just think it is funny that Seobaby... my maknae is finding love before me..."

She blushed after I said so and hide her face into my body.

At the same moment Taeyeon came out of my room.

Her hair was ruffled and she was scrachthing her eyes to get the sleep out.

"Morning you two..."

She yawned and sat beside us.

I smiled at her, and Seohyon pushed out from me, and sat up, trying to act normal, but still pinkish red in her face.

Taeyeon looked at the both of us, her eyes running back and forth.

Then she made her dorky frown.

"Whats going on?"

Seohyon shook her shoulders and picked up her book, and tried to act like nothing had happend.

I looked at Taeyeon and whispered.

"Seobaby... finally admitted... she likes... Yongwha..."

A huge grin appeared on her face, and I felt a light punch from behind.


I turned to face Seohyun whos face had turned ever more red.

She instantly hid her face in her hands again and made a sulking sound.

Taeyeon scratched her head making a wierd facial expression.

"Seohyun... you have been out with him lots of times... everyone knows you are just friends..."

Dear Diary,

My maknae have found a person she loves before me! What is that!?

I really think it is cute, that she have fallen for Yongwha.

Well I dont know if she has fallen from him, but it is kinda obvious she likes him alot.

Taeyeon and I gave her some good advice to show that she wants more than just being friends, and since Seohyun have such a good image, being the pure little girl, noone would expect anything if they started to acutally date!

I really am happy for her.

He just picked her up. He had dressed up nicely, and was polite as always towards us.

Seohyun complained about him being spotted with Goo Hara a few times, but we reassured her that there is a reason he keeps on contacting her.

Haha.. I just got a good idea to another story.. YongSeo!

Oh god.. I am not sure if I can keep up with all these ideas!

Haha wauw.. would be so embaressing if got caught doing this here huh? Its just so exciting!

And hey.. it is just a fanfic right?... yeah.. right!


Another chapter today... I am on fire.... woah... ! Anyway... to you byuns out there.. dont worry.. there will be smut coming soon.
To the actually readers who find the story interesting... more to come soon, and I promise.. I will let you be able to choose to skip the smut if you want to ;)
I clicked save and closed my diary document on the computer.

The light coming through my window had become brigther.

I checked the fanfic homepage to see if there was any updates, nothing new.

I sighed a bit, starting to think what I was gonna do today, and layed back in my bed watching the ceiling.

My door opened, and Taeyeon peeked inside.

I quickly closed the browser again, and had the lyric from last night, opened.


I looked at her, smiling.

"Wanna go do something today.. like going to the gym? Oppa told me that my schedule for the next couple of days has been cancelled..  so I am all yours..."

I am all yours... hihih (tif)

She was beaming.


I couldnt hide my excitement about this news.

Since she was the leader of the group, she hardly never had time off, so this might be the chance to spend some time with her.

She nodded at me, and sat beside me on the bed.

"Yeaaaah... aaah.. so good to have some time off atlast."

She pulled my legs in a straight position, and layed her head on them.

"Hehe... what about.. instead of going to the gym... we stay home and.. watch a movie?  You havent even gotten out of your pyjamas yet!"

I said teasingly, to convince her to be lazy instead of excersising.

Since our schedule was always filled practice or training, when we were not out on photoshoots, tv or radio shows, etc., a lazy day would be good for a change.

"Yaaah good idea...."

She shifted, and took off her slippers, then dug under the duvet with me.

Her body hugged into my tightly and I felt her fingers prickly in my stomach.

"Ahh.. you still working on that song huh?"

Her eyes scanned through the text.

"Hey... you havent gotten further, huh?"

She noticed that the lyrics was the same as last night.

"Yeah.. hmm.. I am having... a writers block... I feel like I need some inspiration for it..."

She read through the text once again.

"It is kinda... sad... why are you writing such a sad song?"

Turning her face to look at me, concerne was apparent in her expression.

I made shrugged my shoulder and shook my head, pouting my mouth.

"... I dont know.. I guess it is easier..."

She nodded, and looked at me.

"Yeah.. I guess that is true.. hmm.. you know what... I have been writing with some of the fans lately... this is really silly... dont think I am wierd.. i got it from a fan."

I lifted an eyebrow, but gestured her to continue.

"Could I borrow your laptop?"

I handed her the laptop, and she immediately opened an internet browswer.

She put her hand under her chin for second and was comtemplating about the name of the home page.

"I think it is this one."


My eyes widdened.

Dear Diary,

So Taeyeon saw I had been on that website before, but I twisted the truth.. I said that I had found out about through fans aswel, and I just though it would be funny to read their stories.

I told her that anything that revolves around SNSD is good advertising, no matter if it is good or bad advertising.

I think she bought it.

Anyway, so we looked through the website, and it looked like she knew what she was doing... hmmm?
But yea... close call right? :D
Anyway... we decided to watch a movie instead, I told her I thought it was a bit too early to read dirty stories...then she fell asleep during the movie, so now I have time to talk to you...
Dear diary.... I am sorry I am burdening you with so much today.... I will try and summarize the day when it is over instead...
Sorry :D But you are such a good listener.

Wauw.. that is wierd.. I am talking to myself through my diary... guess I have been spending a bit too much time on AFF... (tif)

I looked at Taeyeon who had fallen a sleep during the movie.

In which I had turned it off, and written my diary and checked my AFF account again.

It looked like she was sound a sleep so I decided to keep on going on the story I had started earlier today.

Hmm where did I come from..

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