Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012



Chapter 5

You're Mine

Chapter 5
Later that day, Jessica decided to walk Yuri back to her class so she won’t be marked cutting her class in her attendance. But then, Yuri just kept on insisting...
“Oh come on, Seobang. You have to go back to your class now or else you’ll be marked in your attendance as cutting,” Jessica said.
Yuri shook her head, cross her arms on her chest, and twitched her brows in a childish manner. She then said, “I don’t want to. I want to spend my whole day with my girlfriend!”
“Wh-what?! Spend your whole day with me?!” Jessica said.
Yuri nods her head. Jessica let out a frustrated sigh. Now there’s really something wrong with this girl and I wonder what it is because, it’s not like her! She mentally shouted to herself as she stares at the Yuri who stares back at her slightly flushed and yes, the staring contest have officially began.
A couple of minutes have passed and they were still staring at each other until Yuri finally gave in. She let out a sigh, stands up from her chair, walks towards her Jessica and hugs her tightly. “Mmm.. Sica baby.. I really don’t want to go. I wanna stay with you until lunch time!” Yuri said.
Jessica sighs as well and hugs her back. “But why? I mean, I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be just here or maybe if you don’t see me here in the library, I’m just in the usual place waiting for you. So why bother staying with me for about two and half hours? And besides you still have one more class and you must go or else you’ll be marked cutting in your attendance,”
Yuri shook her head and said, “It’s because I might saw you with another girl again! And besides, Donghae was always bugging you and he was even stalking you every day, right?”
“What?! You know that Donghae was always bugging and stalking me?” Jessica asked in a surprise tone of her voice.
Yuri nodded her head in response and said, “Yes because, he’s my classmate in my History class and he kept on asking me about you and I hate it. I really, really, do hate it!”
Jessica blinks her eyes a few times and thought, Is that her reason? I mean, seriously, that’s her main reason why she doesn’t want to go back to her class? Hahaha! What a funny reason..
Jessica laughed and Yuri felt a bit awkward about it. She gave her a ‘what’s so funny’ look. Jessica stops from laughing and wipes the tears on the side of her eyes. She smiles at Yuri and puts her hands on her Seobang’s shoulders.
“You don’t have to worry about it, Yuri. You know that sticking with other girls is not in my vocabulary and to be added, about Donghae, I already told him to stop bugging and stalking me because I’m not interested with him and I would never be. I’m only yours Yuri Kwon and you know that very well,” Jessica said in a sweet and reassuring voice.
“But you know Donghae is not the type of person who will give up that easily.. I’m afraid, you might suddenly change your mind and..”
“Sssh.. no.. what you’re thinking would never come true and yes, I know Donghae is not the type of person who will give up that easily but who cares, anyway? Who cares if he won’t give up on me?” Jessica said.
“Look. Donghae will just regret it in the end and he will just wish that he listened to me when I told her to stop it already,” Jessica said once again.
“What do you mean?” Yuri asked.
Looks at the door and there she saw a black-haired boy. The boy looks like he was searching for someone. Well, probably that boy was really searching for no other than Jessica and yes, that boy was Donghae.
Jessica in other side just waited for the boy to recognize her and when Donghae finally looks at her, she quickly pretended that she didn’t saw him and looks back at Yuri.
Perfect timing for proving to Yuri that she’s the only one and showing Donghae that I’m serious when I told him that I already have someone and that he must stop bugging and stalking the hell out of me, Jessica thought to herself.
She smiles and hugs Yuri and whispered. “Donghae’s here..”
“He’s here. For sure, he will bug me again..” Jessica said.
Yuri broke the hug. She stares at Jessica’s eyes deeply as if she was telling her something. Donghae in the other side, still don’t have any idea what was the two girls are doing, all he knows is that the two were just having some bonding but poor him, it’s not what he thinks.
Yuri moves closer to Jessica until Jessica’s back was already leaning on the bookshelf making sure that Donghae sees them. She then cups Jessica’s cheeks and press her lips on Jessica’s. The two kissed each other passionately again. After a few minutes they broke for air but then, Jessica grabs Yuri’s tie and kiss her once again.
Donghae in the other side can’t believe what he was seeing right now. He never thought Jessica was serious when she told him that she already has someone and it was true.
“Damn.. I’m so idiot!” Donghae cursed under his breath as he clenched his fist in anger and just decided to leave them.
When Donghae was finally gone, the two pulled away breathlessly. Jessica lets go off of Yuri’s tie. Yuri stares at her tie and looks back at Jessica afterwards and grinned evilly. “I never thought Sica baby is such a good kisser,”
The door opens and a young looking woman stares at the two girls who opened the door. She smiled at them and asked, “What can I do for you, Ms. Jung? And it seems like you have Ms. Kwon there who I thought was absent today,”
“I just want to apologize because; Ms. Kwon was late to your class today. It’s because, I ask her to help me rearrange the books in the History section of the library. So again, I apologize, Ms. Park.” Jessica said as she bowed her head slightly.
The woman smiled once again and said, “It’s okay, Ms. Jung at least Ms. Kwon didn’t skip my class today. By the way, you can come inside now and join us with the discussion, Ms. Kwon,”
“O-okay.. thank you very much, Ms. Park,” Yuri said as she went inside her classroom and sit on her chair.
Jessica bowed her head again to the woman and bid her goodbye but before she could finally go, she took a quick glance at Yuri who winks at her. Jessica smiled and waved goodbye.
The discussion continued and so far Yuri was paying attention to it but not until Yoona started teasing her again..
“I wonder what does that means..” Yoona said as she jot down notes.
Yuri looks at her with a confuse look and asked, “What?”
Yoona smirked at her. “Those sweet smiles and winks of yours to Jessica-unnie,”
“I-it’s nothing!” Yuri stuttered.
Yoona giggled at her and shook her head. “Nuh uh~ I know there is something~”
And by just hearing what Yoona said, a sudden flashback of her and Jessica in hot and passionate kiss starts playing in her head which cause her to blush furiously.
Yoona laughed at her. “See! I knew it! I know there’s something finally happened between you and Jessica-unnie!”
“Keep your voice down!” Yuri hissed. Her face still red and she was glaring at her mischievous friend.
“O-oh.. sorry..” Yoona said as she cleared her throat slightly and pretended that she was listening and jotting down notes at the moment their teacher walks near them.
When the discussion was finally done, their teacher walks towards the board and told them to copy what she’s going to write on the board.
“So, mind sharing what happened, Yuri Kwon?” Yoona said.
“Finally..” Jessica sighed.
She closes the book she was reading and stands up from her chair and grabs her bag. She returned the book to its bookshelf and leaves the library.
On her way to Yuri’s classroom, she saw Seohyun walk out of the Student Council room. Seohyun saw her as well. Jessica smiled at her and waves her hand. Seohyun smiled back and walks towards her.
“Hi there, Sica,” Seohyun greeted.
“Hi Seohyun,” Jessica greeted back.
“Are you heading to the cafeteria?” Seohyun asked.
Jessica shook her head. “Nope. I’m going to Yuri’s classroom to fetch her,”
“Oh, I see.. uh.. Sica..”
Jessica looks at her. “Yes?”
Seohyun took a deep breath and put her both hands behind her and said, “Yuri is just in the same class with Yoona, right?”
Jessica nodded her head in response. “I see..”
“Why do you ask?” Jessica asked.
“N..nothing..” Seohyun said as she felt her cheeks turns into red.
Jessica twitched her brows with Seohyun’s answer. She looks at her once again and.. Got you! Jessica smirked at her. “Wanna go with me in Yuri’s classroom? I’m sure she’s still there with Yoona,”
Seohyun’s ears perked up. She looks at Jessica and instantly answered, “Sure,”
“Great!” said Jessica.
“Why do I feel you’re planning something evil?” Seohyun asked worriedly.
Jessica chuckled at Seohyun’s question. “Nah~ I’m not planning something evil. I’m just making fun of you,”
Seohyun let out a frustrated sigh while Jessica kept on laughing at her.
As they finally reach the classroom where Yuri and Yoona are, they saw them walking out of their classroom already.
“Look Yuri! Jessica’s outside our room!!” Yoona said as she points a finger at them when suddenly she saw Seohyun smile at her which makes her silent and smile back at her.
Yuri smiled at Jessica and Seohyun. She then looks at the now silent Yoona and smirked. “And the Student Council President, Seo Joo-Hyun is outside with Jessica as well,”
“Hi Jessica,” Yuri greeted with a sweet smile.
“Hi Yuri,” Jessica greeted back with a sweet smile as well.
Yuri went beside Jessica and watched the other two.
“Hi there, Yoona,” Seohyun greeted with a smile.
Yoona felt her heart beats faster at the moment she saw Seohyun smiled at her for the second time. “H-hi.. S-seohyun!” she stuttered.
Yuri and Jessica giggled at Yoona’s stuttering. Yoona glared at them and so Seohyun saw it and giggled. A faint blush suddenly appeared on Yoona’s cheeks because of embarrassment but deep inside she was smiling at the moment she heard Seohyun giggled at what she did.
“Hey Seohyun, Yoona,” Yuri called.
Seohyun and Yoona looks at her. “Yes?” Seohyun said.
“Wanna join us eat in the cafeteria?” Yuri asked.
“Sure!” They both answered causing them to look at each other.
“Oh! They’re so meant for each other!” Jessica said.
Yuri giggled at what Jessica said while the other two blush furiously.
They all eat together in the cafeteria and of course while they were eating, Yuri and Jessica just kept on teasing Seohyun and Yoona. Yuri and Jessica just stop until they decided to leave the two of them so they can have some chitchat with each other.
They excused their selves by telling an alibi and hopefully Seohyun and Yoona didn’t notice that they were just using an alibi and let them...
“Say Sica, do you think Donghae will stop from bugging and stalking you after he saw what we did?” Yuri asked as she plays with Jessica’s neck tie.
“Dunno but I hope he will,” Jessica said as she stares at the blue sky.
Yuri sighed and stops from playing Jessica’s neck tie. She hugs her tightly and whispered, “Promise me, you’re going to be mine only, Jessica Jung,”
Jessica smiled and whispered back, “I promise. I’m yours only, Yuri Kwon,”
Yuri smiled back and gave Jessica a quick kiss on the lips.
The bell ringed once again indicating that class has finally ended and that it’s already time to go home.
Donghae was standing near the parking with his back leaning on the wall. He was waiting for Jessica to apologize. After a few minutes, he finally saw her with Yuri.
He took a deep breath and walks towards them.
“Jessica,” Donghae called.
Jessica sighed and said, “What can I do for you, Donghae? I hope you’re not here to ask me to go out with you again and again,”
“No, that’s not it.. it’s..”
“I want to apologize from everything. I’m sorry for bugging you and especially..” he stop and stares at Yuri’s hand that holds Jessica’s hand and looks at Jessica’s eyes and continued, “especially from not taking what you’ve said,”
“Which one?” Jessica asked blankly.
“When you told me that you already have someone. I’m really sorry, Jessica,” Donghae said as he bowed his head slightly.
“It’s okay. Just promise me that you’re going to stop bugging me,” Jessica said.
Donghae nodded his head in response and said, “I promise,”
“Thanks. Goodbye Donghae, we have to go now. Thanks again,” and with that, Jessica and Yuri started walking towards her car leaving Donghae behind.
Donghae smiled at them and bowed his head slightly to show some respect.
“Congratulations, Yuri. I hope you’ll take care of her,” he said to no one as he watched them.
Inside the car, there was a complete silence between them until they reach Yuri’s house...
Yuri looks at her girlfriend and smiled. “Thanks, Sica,”
Jessica smiled back at her and kissed her forehead. “It’s nothing,”
Yuri hugs her and whispered, “I love you,”
End of Chapter 5

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