Rabu, 04 April 2012

Let’s Play A Love Game sub english

 please give comment and happy reading ^^

I’ll never forget the time when I first laid eyes on her.
So, I hadn’t been working at the office for too long, but I’d finally made a name for myself as a woman. Everyone was finally coming to know how top editor Jessica Jung worked. Some even labeled my attitude as being “icy” due to my cold nature, but I just like for things to be done accurately and on time. There’s no need for reluctance and failure, especially in the magazine business. I work for the best, therefore I want the best to work for me.
As you can see, I take my job very, very seriously.
It started off as one of those mornings where I made my rounds in the office, making sure everything was functioning properly before grabbing a nice cup of coffee. My favorite spot to drink coffee was in our personal luncheon area, composed of small round tables and long rectangular tables for larger events. Most people left work to eat out or ate outside when the weather was nice, but I preferred sitting at my table next to the window, promising view overlooking the busy streets of Seoul. No, it wasn’t a pretty nature scene that made most people feel tranquil, but it somehow made me feel at home.
I usually like for my mornings to be quiet, that way I can take in the moment before running head on into the hectic work area, but I’m usually only allowed 15 minutes of silence before Tiffany walks in. Whenever she walks in, her mood is either good or bad, but nowhere in between. Ever.
Good moods typically equal sweet, romantic outings with her current and longest relationship, Kim Taeyeon, a short, yet cute girl who works as a DJ for a major radio station that was further in the swelling heart of the city. Bad moods typically equal arguments with the better half over jealous attachment to other girls, working too late, being chastised by her dad, and wearing the wrong heels.
I could only wonder: was the morning a good or bad one? It’s a complete 50/50 chance.
My gaze settled on my coffee as I notice her approach. I didn’t even have to look up to see Tiffany walk into a room--her presence was far too noticeable. And, noticing her strut this morning, it appeared that the mood was…bad.
“Yah! I hate Kim Taeyeon!”
Her rather large Chanel purse was thrown against the table, along with her cell phone. She angrily grabbed the back of the chair opposite of me, scraping it loudly against the floor because Tiffany fails to do anything quietly. When I finally decide to look up from my coffee cup, I see her, arms crossed and pouting like an angry kid.

“Oh! I forgot to mention… We’re getting a new boss apparently,” Tiffany informed, carrying a stack of papers in her hands as we walked around the cubicles.
“It’s about time,” I murmured, rounding a corner before slightly bowing to some co-workers.
Once we’d made it to our work stations, I lazily flopped into my chair, sliding straight into work. Tiffany occupied herself with the papers that were weighing down her arm, flopping them loudly onto her desk. She makes her way to sit down but suddenly pauses.
“Oh my god…” she whispers, tugging my arm up, “Look, look!”
Grey cashmere sweater, black, skinny dress pants, and a set of heels…
Tall, slender body, long, black straight hair, and the most gorgeous smile I’d ever seen…
“Can you say gorgeous?” Tiffany squeals delightedly, clapping her hands like a second grader.  I retract my focus from the girl who stood a few cubicles over, glaring Tiffany down.
“May I remind you of Kim Taeyeon?”
“No,” Tiffany states bluntly.
We both flop back down into our seats and concentrate on work. Well, I was, as Tiffany was currently gazing off into the distance, probably thinking about the girl that was standing nearby.
“God, she’s so hot…”
“Who?” I ask innocently. I receive a slap on the arm.
“Don’t be mean! Besides… I wonder who she is? A model?”
“More than likely.”
“Oh my god… What if she was the new-

“Jung SooYeon, I presume?”
“Jung Jessica, actually.”
“I can’t guarentee my pronunciation is the best, so please don’t take offense.”
“None taken.”
“…Oh, how rude of me! I haven’t even introduced myself… Kwon Yuri.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kwon Yuri.”
“The pleasure is all mine. I look forward to working with you.”
“Same here.”
She flashed a brilliant smile towards me, one that showed professional yet friendly appeal, a rarity to encounter in the business world. People were either serious or fake, and never in between.

“She’s totally got the hots for you!” Tiffany whispered excitedly, lamely attempting to cover up her words by placing a clipboard in between her lips and my ear.
My expression never changed, as I turned my head to look at her, clipboard still raised in between our faces. Tiffany was always making these kind of comments because she knew better than anyone else that they would make me feel uncomfortable. This isn’t to say that I’m not confident in my ability to show off my sexuality, but the work place was meant for work, not ogling over your extremely…hot, new boss
“Tiffany, can you do me a favor?” I smiled sweetly, pushing the clipboard down.
“We’re friends, right?” she smiled, her innocent eye smile protruding.
“Yes, so shut up for me,” I growled, pushing the clipboard against her chest, “And get back to work instead of nosing around in my business.”
“Awe, harsh!”

Around lunch time, Tiffany was all about drama, whether it was in the office or about the latest rumors in the celebrity life. She scooped it out like tubs of ice cream at the ice cream shops, sweetly burying it in sprinkles and cookie crumbs.

Today, it was raining violently outside, and I couldn’t have felt more calm in my entire life.

I felt the nestling of butterfly cacoons weighing heavily in my stomach.

Suddenly,  the cacoons in my stomach burst, replacing the weight with a rather fluttery feeling.

Some words are disgusting, and I’d refuse to let them enter my vocabulary.

What does good smell like?
Maybe good isn’t a smell, but generally…her. Yes, she was good, all over, inside and out.

She smirked at me, grazing her fingertips along the backside of her leather seat. Her body moved like an animal on the prowl, dying to sink its teeth into an unknowing victim. But, I was not unknown to her body language, for I had been using it everyday since she first walked into the office. This was not a hunt towards the unwilling--it was a comeback towards my own advances.
“Sounds like an affair.”

I couldn’t believe how drunk we were.

“Yuri ah…” I whispered, resting my head into the crook of her neck and inhaling her scent.
Her body held no hesitation as she gently wrapped her arms around her back, resting her cheek against my head.  This girl who rested in her arms meant so much to her, maybe even since the day they had met.
“I’ve fallen for you.”

I was thinking recently about how gorgeous she was. I realized I was the same as simplicity. I wanted what everyone else in the world wanted -- love. Of course, I never saw myself as different from anyone else, but most people. Things used to be so cold, and sometimes even now, they still are, but I find myself drifting deeper…

It’s lunch break.
But, I’m in the mood for something…sweet.
I look over at Tiffany who is flipping nonchalantly through a magazine, probably waiting on me to give her the description of my lunch plans, but I have to let her down nicely. Of course, she’ll understand. Maybe this will also give her a chance to go eat lunch with Taeyeon since they’ve rarely seen each other lately, as she’s reminded me everyday at lunch anyway.
Turning my chair to completely face her, I tap on the magazine in her hands, causing her to retract her focus and gaze up at me. She tilts her head somewhat, raising an eyebrow at my actions. I guess I seem more playful than usual…
“Tiff, sweetie…” I start out, grabbing her hands.
Suddenly, her look turns wary, like she’s scared I’m going to hurt her or something, but I try to reassure her with a smile, which fails.
“Jess, you only call me ‘sweetie’ when you want something,” she states nervously, glancing down at my hands on top of hers.
I smile again, figuring she won’t be surprised at my request to eat somewhere else for lunch.
“Tiff, why don’t you go see Taeyeon ah on your lunch break? I know how much you miss her.”
“Mmm, I do… but, why are you suddenly suggesting this?”
So I can eat with Yuri.”
There, I was straight to the point. It’s all honesty between Tiffany and me anyway. I think she understands my statement, a grin slowly spreading across her face. She leans forward, slightly giggling and displaying the characteristics of a mischievous child.
You just want to eat her.”
Oh, I wasn’t going to deny that…
With that, we both stood up, Tiffany slipping into her trench coat, Chanel bag in tote. I watched as she dialed Taeyeon’s number, negotiating a lunch date with her girlfriend. Her face lit up, followed by some simply sweet talking, so I assumed she received a positive response from Taeyeon. Once she hung up, she gave me a salute and clicked out of the office in her heels, blowing me a kiss before exiting the door and entering the hallway.
These were the moments that I loved Tiffany. She understands what kind of fun a girl needed to have, even if it was staked at random moments of the day. But, hey, she was also given the freedom to have her own bit of fun…
Anyway, time is wasting, and I need my fix. Now.
Before walking towards Yuri’s office, I checked myself in the mirror, deciding to let my hair down and adjust my clothing. Wearing a blouse can either be a downfall or a smart move; shirts are easy to show more skin, but buttons are horrible to deal with during, well, strenuous activities. I would make this work, though.
I figured Yuri was still in her office, being the busy workaholic she was. Often, Tiffany and I have to drag her out and remind her that she needed to eat. I wouldn’t stand for having a sick and unhealthy girlfriend. Upon reaching her office, I didn’t bother knocking on the door before entering, seeing as to no one would notice me slip in anyway. As I stepped in, I inspected the girl at her desk, who didn’t seem to even notice me.
I frowned, but began to take in her appearance. She had on her dark-rimmed glasses, and much to my delight, she’s unbuttoned her lavender top, exposing her nicely darkened skin underneath. A tie hangs loosely around the collar, ideas calculating in my brain at the endless amount of uses for such a clothing item. She still hasn’t noticed my appearance so I quietly saunter over to her side of the desk, realizing she’s looking at images from last weeks photo shoot.
I lightly touched her shoulder, bringing her out of her focused reverie. Her body gives a slight jump, and she quickly turns to look at me. A tired smile settles upon her lips, and she seems to give a happy sigh. I can’t help but smile back, pleased with her relieved attention towards me. Quickly, she turns back to her computer and minimizes her work, clicking away the photos and reports. I sidle up and sit on the side of her desk, pushing away the nearby items to give me a seat. Her face turns back, and she scans my appearance, slowly but surely.
“What are you in the mood for?” she asks, removing her glasses and smiling at me.
She always knows how to ask the right questions, and I don’t take her as oblivious for my actions. If she was, she would have said something about eating lunch in the cafeteria or hitting up a local spot, but her question mentioned no food whatsoever. A sly grin forms on both of our faces, our minds connecting in such a beautiful way. I decide to show my cards, or at least tease her with possibilities. She gets riled up so easily as long as I push the right buttons.
“Well…” I begin, crossing my legs, skirt exposing mid thigh, “I suggest you go lock your door.”
It would be unlike her to obey, so she quickly shoots up from her chair, leather squeaking from the absence of her weight. I watch her as she walks towards the door on the opposite side of the room, detecting her excitement from her fast pace. When she returns, I motion for her to sit back in her chair, which she quickly obliges. She sits with restless contentment, and I realize I’m not the only one in the mood for some distressing. Her eyes concentrate on my legs, but her lips begin to move.
“What can I do for you next, Jessica?”
She doesn’t call me Jessica in front of co-workers, seeing as to how our relationship is still under radar. It would cause too much controversy, although we could easily pull it off as being close friends, but that doesn’t happen in the business world. Fucking your boss, sure, but not becoming best friends.
I stand up from my sitting position on the desk, and I look down upon her, predatory look in tow. Yuri looks up at me, eyes full of hot liquid and fire, but still remains tamed. My hand presses against her shoulder, pushing her back into her chair, while my other hand slowly slides up and down her loose tie. I settle myself lower, straddling her lap, her hands protectively encircling my waist. I pull the tie up and towards me, dragging her face near while I inspect her features, memorizing her beauty for the thousandth time in my life. For some reason, I can’t help put connect my hand with her pretty face, slowly grazing smooth skin.
We share a soft chaste kiss, and it makes me wonder where my sudden aggression has gone. This girl quickly forces me to become weak at times, and that’s how I know this isn’t just some silly obsession or lust. Eventually, though, her mouth opens further and she initiates a deeper kiss, tasting the very essence of hunger. I run my fingers along the side of her head, touching over her ear and combing into her soft hair. Her hands travel up and down my back, causing me to shiver from her soothing touches, embracing me further into her body as I move closer. We begin to drift deeper into the motions, but I find my recent aggression returning as she lightly chews on my lower lip, driving my senses into overload.
My hand forces its way back to her tie, where I slowly pull it off and caress her exposed skin that beckons for me to release more. Hands focus entirely on the buttons, making their way down until the travel has met its end, but they slowly rise back up to touch her skin. That’s when her hands pull me impossibly closer, pulling back from our kiss and breathing heavily for air. My eyes wander over the enticing skin before me, and I can do nothing but dive in. While I concentrate on petting her skin with my lips, she proceeds to groan pleasingly, dragging her hands further down my back.
Yuri draws her fingers around the round of my ass, squeezing roughly and drawing me down onto her lap. I pull my lips back from her chest and resort back to kissing, increasingly rough this time. Her hands slide up to my hips before moving back down to rest on my thighs, slowly raising the hem of my skirt higher. A loud moan rises from my throat, and I feel her grin against my mouth. I fight back and open my mouth wider, forcing my tongue into her mouth. She continues massaging my legs, sending tingles and shivers throughout my body. We taste each other, tongues dancing violently with one another.
There’s an evident fight for dominance. I won’t give in yet without putting up a fight, especially knowing that she’ll tease me if I give up so easily. But, dammit, this girl was so good at distracting me. I hadn’t even noticed her fingers deftly popping each button undone, reaching those nice, long fingers against the bare skin of my torso. And, I thought I knew all the right buttons to push…She knew the right buttons and then some extra levers to pull.

“Jessica…” her voice echoes huskily, fulfilling my fantasies just by using her voice, “I want to fuck you so badly, baby.”
“Oh, god…”
Her voice always gets me at this point, and I’ve never had anyone make me feel like coming just with their voice.
“How badly do you want it, Jung SooYeon?”
“Oh, really? Tell me…”
We both know I’m giving in, and I hate knowing the fact that she’s going to constantly remind me that I hold no constraint against her. She pushes me onto the desk, settling between my legs which loosely wrap around her. Ghost like touches tickle my inner thighs, and I can feel my lower stomach tighten.
“You want me to fuck you on my desk, hard with my fingers.”
“You’ll come so hard, I’ll make you scream my name.”
“Yuri, please…”

Her fingers draw patterns along the thin fabric teasingly.
“God, you’re so wet.”
Her fingers push past my soaked underwear, rubbing along the slick, sensitive area.

Just then, as the rush comes…

“Next time you decide to eat lunch together in your office, please turn off your monitor.”
“Oh…Um, uh…”
“I turned mine off. Just giving you future warning, Ms. Kwon, Ms. Jung.”
“Sorry, Ms. Im.”

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