Cast:Yuri &Teyeon and Tiffany(TAENY)
"Smile ..." can only see him from kejahuan .. could not approach him, because the liver can not and never could. Really want to always be close by as it were, holding hands, arm around, and say the word love him. But it looks like it'll never happen again .. because he belonged to someone else, not mine anymore .. love does not have to always have .. when we love someone, we would be willing to do something for him so he's happy. Sick indeed .. but what can I say .. to see him happy, I'm willing to do it .... I was a fool, fooled by love .. dispossessed people who are willing lover .. how else will, maybe he's the best choice for her not me .. do not we do not have to force someone to love us? Let him who chose .. choose love itself .. can only try to mengikhlaskan though it could never be .. let time will tell ..."Fany-ah ... I miss you ... I miss your smile .." only a trickle of tears every time can remember, recall memories with him. Indeed even now I can not forget, I still love him .."Hmmm ......"Flashback."Chagi .... aaa""Yes dear what is it??" I said, stroking her hair."Hehe .. no. I just called you ... "he smiled. I will embrace, and smiled at him."Unfortunately .. let's have a date ... "I told him, because we'd been just sitting at home .."Hmm ... I'm reluctant to get out, we are at home alone yah .." he said."Okay ..." I said. I never force him if he refused. I always obey her every whim, even though sometimes I feel not myself .. but anything will do for him."Chagi ... tomorrow I have school graduates reunian event .. yah go with me .. ""What time?""7 pm ..""Emm ... unfortunately, it seems I can not .. I have an appointment with Yoona and Sunny to continue the project campus .. ""Oh .. ya already .. "she said, her expression suddenly changed."Hmm ... you mad ..?""No,""Continue?""I just feel you're more interested in your project are not clear it than I do.""Hey .. why do you say that. You're more important Fany-ah. More important than anything. ""Sudalah ..""Yes-yes dear, I'll join you. Do not get mad .. "I said encouragingly."Yes." Was the reply brief."Ih .. ugly .." I said, pinching his cheeks because he'd been pouting."Aw .. sick ...""Hehe .. -mian mian .. do not be angry anymore smile .. "I said, stroking his cheek .. He then turned to smilenya arahkau and give me the eye."Donk so .." I smiled at him."Yes .. Do not be late to pick me up tomorrow ... "he said."Okay dear, before I'll pick you up at 7 .."The next day.Tiffany POV.Today I have the alumni reunion, and now I'm waiting for Taeyeon. My beloved ..Ting tong .. tong.ting .. .. sound the bell rang."Ah .. it's definitely him." I quickly took my bag and meet him."Dear, are you ready??" He said, I will nod."Well .. you're so beautiful .. "he smiled at me."Yes, it's not teasing .. let's go .. "I said."Come on .."***So many alumni who come diacara this .. and I met my friends here .. long we do not see, they all changed so much .."Hua .... Fany ah ..... "cried one friend Sooyoung and hugged me."Hoaaa .. Sooyoung .... "I said avenge his arms .. then another friend came over."Hey-ah .. Fany" Hyoyeon said, and hugged me."Ah .. unnie ... you're more beautiful ..." added Seohyun."Hehe .. you too .." I said with a smile showing andalanku eye."Ahem .. ahem .." Taeyeon cleared his throat because he felt neglected."Oya, this kenalin Taeyeon. Taeyeon is my best friend, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun and .. "I said, they also shook hands one by one with Taeyeon.Taeyeon POVWhen talking with Fany and her friend, suddenly shaking handphoneku"Hello ..""Kim Taeyeon yakh .. .. you where. "Shouts sunny"Yakh .. You do not shout .. I was accompanying tiffany .. ""Hey, you have an appointment today .. I've been waiting .. and Yoona We had one hour more waiting here .. hurry up here .. "said sunny."Mian .. you go home ... tomorrow we ketemuanya. Today I can not. ""Kim taeyeonnnnn ......" says sunny upset .."Mianhe ..." I said and then he turned off his phone. Hmm looks like sunny mad at me .. sunny-ah I'm sorry ..."From whom??" Said Tiffany."Sunny .." I replied, and put handphoneku Pocket pants."Oh .." he said simply .. He then went on talking the talk with his friends .. and again I ignored .."Fany-ah .. Well we get there first .. "goodbye my friends tiffany and left us."Ah .. yes .." she said.Suddenly someone yeoja our mengkampiri"Hey .. Fany .." he smiled."Yu .. ri ..." Tiffany said in surprise.Tiffany POV"Yuri ..." my heart skipped a beat .. I was shocked to see it here. Is not she just can not stay dikorea again. The last time I heard him lecture in Germany, why he is here .."Fany, how are you ..?" He smiled at me."Ah .. well .." I replied."Long time no see, wow .. You changed a lot .. more beautiful .. "he said."Hehe .. ordinary .. how are you? Emm .. not that you do not live here anymore? why are you here? ""Yes, I'm Korean so I missed I come .. hehe .. oya, is he?? "said the jury will see towards Taeyeon."Oya, Taeyeon, this kenalin yuri. Yuri is Taeyeon. "I said. And they shook hands.I talked with yuri, while Taeyeon preoccupied with handphone. It looks like their friends need it .. I'm so sorry for him, because I promise him to be canceled ..."Taeyeon ..""Yah?""Go .. your friend needs you .. ""Ah .. not really .." he tried to smile."Hey, I'm okay. Go on .. ""It's okay right?" He said."Yes .. go .. "I said."Okay, I'll pick yah ..""Ah I do not have to go home later the same Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun and wrote .." I said."Oh .. okay. I go .. dah .. "he said, goodbye and left."Fany .. girlfriend?? "said jury, after Taeyeon go."Ah .. friends .." I said. Sorry Taeyeon-ah. I can not tell the jury if you were my boyfriend .. I actually had close to him can be considered as people who are dating .. I love it and the jury seemed to like me. but none of them express love. Until we finally split up."Oh ... that's good ..""Mean?" I asked."Ah .. hehe it's okay .." he laughed. I just smiled to see ..Acarapun begins. Begins with a welcome by executive committee and the alumni. Yuri comes time to perform. Well, he was a school idol, and until now he still be an idol. Yuripun went up the stage .."Good night all .. hehe .. wah, nice to meet you again .. emm .. okay okay, I'll sing a song .. special for tiffany .. "he smiled towards me. The people were cheering, and looking towards me. I just smiled sheepishly, because the jury said my name.Jreeenggg ... yuri tune his guitar and started playing it.Oh her eyes, her eyesMake the stars look like they're not shiningHer hair, her hairTrying Falls perfectly without herShe's so beautifulAnd I tell her every dayYeah I know, I knowWhen I compliment herShe wont believe meAnd its so, its soSad to think she do not see what I seeBut every time she ACKs me do I look okayI sayWhen I see your faceThere's not a thing that i would changeCause you're amazingJust the way you areAnd when you smile,The whole world stops and stares for awhileCause girl you're amazingJust the way you areOh my good ... yuri ... menyayikan this for me?? Hoaaa .. happy .. I like this song, especially sung by a jury with an acoustic guitar and voice fetchingly. My heart skipped a beat .. What I still love it .. why I like this?After the jury finished singing. He came down and came up .."Fany-ah ..""Hmm?""Song for you .. do you like? "he said."Yes .. I like .. "I said and smiled at him.After the event is over .. yuri mengatarku offered me to go home. At first I refused but he insisted, I could not accept his offer.***Drrrtt ... drrrtt ... my phone vibrate. Taeyeon call me."Haloo .. dear .. ""You're home?""Yes. Ya go to sleep. ""Thank goodness .. yah sorry can not pick you up. ""Yeah, okay ..""Ya had to sleep .. Fany night-ah .. ""Yes ... oya you where? '"Ah .. I still continue projectku, it must quickly finish .. ""Oh .. yes it is, if you are tired take a break .. "I told her."Yes dear .. go to sleep ... love u. ""Yes .. love u 2 "I then covered myself .. and closed my eyes, but suddenly handphoneku vibrate again. I picked up my phone I see there is an incoming message."Hey .. meth mushroom bed ^ ^ beautiful dream .. Yuri. "What?? Yuri sent me a message? And he still called mushroom? Call me darling ... Hooaa seems happy tonight I will dream ..***Since I meet to him or her again, we are walking together .. Taeyeon unbeknownst course .. because Taeyeon back to busan for a week to meet ummanya.Until one day, after the road together.Fany .. ""Yah ..?""I think I have to say now?""Mean??""Be my girlfriend .." he said. Yuri is not a romantic type of person, but I love it. Indifferently attitude that I like. In stark contrast to Taeyeon .. oops, I was comparing."Ha!""Fungus .. be my boyfriend ... "she half-shouted."Emm ...""Answer.""Okay ..." I smiled, then he took my hand and hugged me. And now I'm officially a lover yuri.***Taeyeon POV"Hmm .. did not feel was a week I did not see him, I already miss him very much .... Arriving diseoul, I went straight to his house to surprise him ..Tok.tok.tok .. tiffany I knocked on the door, but no answer came, I held the handle of the door and it was not locked .. I will go and look for the presence of tiffany .."Fany Fany .. .." I called .. but he did not answer. Probably asleep, I opened the door to her room .. and ... I was startled to see ... .. see tiffany making out with someone ..."Fany ..." I called. Tiffany surprised to see me and stop their activities .."Taeyeon ....." he said in surprise."What does this mean?" I said, half-shout .. tiffany and then went and walked over to me."Taeyeon .. mianhe .. ""Fany .. Why? "I said, it hurts .. my tears flow unnoticed. Tiffany just quietly not saying anything."I do not believe you did this to me ..." I said, and went away. Tiffany hold my hand, but I brushed it off and go menginggalkannya.***"Taeyeon ... thank goodness here .. I'm looking for you everywhere "he said. And sat down next to me."You do not need to be looking for me. I do not deserve to look .. ""Why did you say that?""Since when Fany?" I asked him."I'm sorry Taeyeon .. I'm really sorry .. ""Hmm ... why? Why did you have the heart to do it .. ""Sorry ..." said the apology that can only come out of the lips tiffany. My tears, I quickly remove it."You love her?" I asked .. Tiffany did not reply."Answer, I will not be yelled .." I told her. he too mengganguk."Hmm ..." I was only able to mengela breath."If you like mad .. angry .. it's my fault .. "he bowed his head."For what I yelled .. not your fault ... my fault .. membahagiakanmu because he can not, I should apologize to you, not knowing how membahagiakanmu so you turn away .. "I said .. tiffany meteskan tears."Already, not crying .. not your fault .. "I said, wiping her tears."You stupid Taeyeon .." he said softly hitting my chest"Yes, I was stupid ...""Yes, indeed, to the point of cheating girlfriend you can not scold him .. you are weak ...""I can not get mad at you Fany-ah ... you know I love you very, very .. even though you hurt me again and kalipun, still I can not yelled .. "I said."Hmmm ... is up to you .." he said, it was our long silence ... we pause I began to speak."You happy?""Ha!""What you are happy with him?" I asked, tiffany did not answer."Answer ...""Yes ..""Go Fany .. leave me alone .. "I said."Taeyeon ..." he looked at me."Go ...." I said .. He then got up and went left ... the tears of the last time I stand, now could not be stopped ... I was crying uncontrollably. Could not believe my relationship to him or her just simply ended up here ...Flash back end3 months later"Glad to see him today .." I said .. though only seen from a distance at least, can treat her sense rinduku .. do not feel I had three months to leave him. When I miss him .. I
always follow it without sepegetahuan destiny ... I see now with the
jury, he can laugh off, without the burden I've never seen before ... I
just realized that as long as it turns out he was never happy with me ..
with his attitude and his attitude was very different now .."Taeyeon ..." someone called me, and interrupted lamuanku."Ah ... hai .." I said trying to smile."What are you doing?" He said .."Ah .. well ..." I said,"Ah,, .. unfortunately .. No ice cream dibibrmu ... "said the jury, wiping his lips with his hand tiffany. And the sight I saw made me very, very hot."I go ..." I said meniggalkannya ...2 days later ..I tried to bring myself to mengubunginya .. because I miss him."Haloo ...""Ah ... haloo ...""Taeyeon are you?""Ah .. ne ..""What's wrong?""Nggk anything ..""Unfortunately .. let's go .. "said the man, and certainly it's yuri .."Ah .. I seem to interfere .. sorry ..." I turned off the telponku ..Hmm ... heard his voice, was enough .. how long my life will be like this .. love someone but she does not love us anymore? it hurts every day ... just look at him from a distance .. or just to hear his voice without being able to touch itThat night I went to the mini market, to buy snacks .. when the street, I saw someone I know spring is making out with women."... And that's yuri? What is tiffany? "I quickly took handphoneku tiffany contacted to ensure that he or another woman."Haloo ..""Fany ah-ah .. I .. menggangumu sorry .. ""Ah .. no ... what is it?""Ah .. hehe nggk anything. Just want to call you .. you where ""Oh .. I'm at home ... Taeyeon?? ""Yah?""How are you?""Well .." I replied."Taeyeon, eat a lot .. I see you're so skinny ... ""Yes tiffany .... Ta for yah .. love u .. ""Ah .. I'm sorry ..." I woke up saying u love him."Hehe .. yes .. taka what pa- dah .. ""Dah .." I hung up his phone .. I
still see yuri making out with women that I know not a damn person
tiffany ... how dare he hurt tiffany ... I keep watching them until they
split up .. I will mengiuti yuri .. he was with another woman after she went to Tiffany .."I can not let this happen, I'm not willing to Fany hurt by her" I muttered. kuliahat he met with tiffany and memelukknya .. I got out of my car and went .. I hold her shoulders from behind, he turned .. then I hit her face .. in the fall .. tiffany suddenly surprised to see me hit it .."Ba ** with you .. how dare you do this to Fany .. "I said .. I continued to hit him .."Taeyeon what you do ... stop it .." he took my hand to stop me .. but I dismissed until he fell .. many times I hit yuri .. until the endPLAAK .... Tiffany slapped .."Enough is enough .." she said, crying .. I do not mengiraukannya .. yuri and holding the monkey pulled his clothes, beat him again .. andPLAQUE PLAQUE .. ... .. PLAAK PLAAK .... tiffany slapped me several times and finally I let go of yuri .. quickly approached tiffany yuri .."Dear .. you okay?" He said ..."Fany, he does not deserve you ..." I saw tiffany very panicky."Taeyeon just ... I do not want to see you go ..""You know your boyfriend's behavior ... he ...""Do not have to explain, I do not need explanation .. go .. ""A saaat, you will mengetahuinnya .." I said, then walked away ..Since then, I never saw Tiffany again .. now he's somewhere where I do not know .. I tried to call him but is not active Nonya, I to his house but he never came out .."Hmm ... maybe it's time to forget him .. I'll try .. although it was difficult ..because the love I know him .. and out of love I miss him ..."Fany-ah though now I can not see you and be with you again .. but I hope you're happy. "Saranghae ....END
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