Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


congratulations to read and do not forget if you like it ^_^
cast:Yuri and Jessica(YULSIC)

The intention would lanjutin FF always Love you. But I forgot to put where T.T. file. consequently instead .. I'm posting this yulsic aja yah .. hehe .. I promise, if the file always love u see dah, definitely update: DHappy reading ...Author POV"I go yul ... yah .." said Jessica, but not be heard because the jury is still sleeping with lelapnya."Yul ... honeey ..." Jessica said again, shaking seobangnya body to wake up."... Hmm ... SICA hooaammmm ...""I went well ..""Where are you going?""Shopping" for a short SICA."Instead of yesterday already? Time of day again? ""Today there is a discount yul .... hehe .. I go well? ""Uh .. dasar.miss shopping .. yes, yes .. but just who are you gone? ""Own .. others do not want to come .. ""Oh .. it has been carefully yah .. ""Yes .. I go .. bye .. "said Jessica .. have not had time to run out of interesting yuri Jessica hand and kissed her thin lips SICA. Suddenly Jessica surprised."Yakh ... why the sudden kiss me??" Said Jessica, blushing .."Hehe .. okay .. just wish good luck in the morning. ""The smell of tau ..""Hahaha .. but you like it? "teased yuri, who managed to make Jessica's face like a boiled crab."... Do not tease me yakh .. There bathing .. you smell .. ""Ah .. later ... I still want to sleep." Says yuri lay back and covered his body."Hmm ... ya already .. but then do not forget to college .. understand .. ""Yes my dear ... that bawellll already there, he would shopping." Says yuri."Yes. I went yul .. dah .. ""Dah ..."Yuri POV"Yul ... wake up .." Sooyoung said, pulling my blanket."Ah ... soo ... any minute ... I'm still sleepy" I said while trying to pull my blanket. But it was worth it because it pulled again by Sooyoung."Hey .. we have to study .. Palli ... wake up and wash .. ""O God ... when I can sleep ..? Jessica had woken me. And now you woke me up .. I was soo sleepy .. right before we go home at 3 in the morning .. let me sleep a little while. "I said at length."Yakh .. You think I do not .. I was still sleepy .. but, we have a class in an hour .. and lecturer killer that will kill us if we nggk entry today. Last Sunday we had to miss it .. ""Aish ... 15 minutes left .. love yah .. yah .." I said as she took the blanket from Sooyoung's hand."No .. You do not see now what time? Quick, where a shower. ""Yes .. yes .. nag ..." I said annoyed .. I reluctantly got out of bed and took a towel and headed empukku bathroom ..***After eating, I and Sooyoung and went to college .."Soo, who brought you the car yah .. I'm sleepy .. still want to sleep in cars .. okay .. ""Iya.iya .. okay ... "said Sooyoung .. We went out and walked toward the dorm basement.When he got there, I saw a white car parked beside the car Jessica Sooyoung."Soo .. Jessica did not take the car? ""Ani .. Had he picked up manager oppa, plain lazy .. he brought the car .. you should take him as a lover .. let's go .. "said soo opened her car door and told me to go."Yakh ... he had not asked for my delivery, we study it anyways .. I think he wore his own car. ""Yes .. yes .."Arriving campus and Sooyoung I go directly to our class. Then, suddenly, my phone rang, and it turns out Jessica is calling me.Girls bring the boys out ....I wanna dance right now ....Naega ikkeureo julke come out ......Sesang namjadeuriyeo nan .........Number 1 jihyereul juneun ......Athena check this out ......"Haloo ...""Unfortunately, you are awake?" Said Jessica."Yes already .. ya, now already campus. ""Hmm .. thank goodness .. I thought you were asleep .. ""Sooyoung who woke me up .. how-shoppingnya shopping? ""Nice .. hehehe ... I buy lots of stuff yul .. I also give you something. ""What?""There deh .. still a secret .. hehe .. ""Hoo .... Evil .. oya, why not use the car? ""I'm lazy to take the car, was manager oppa who picked me up.""Oh .. so .. yes it is, what time you come home? I'll pick. ""Emm .. do not know .. well I'll call again .. ya already .. seobangku must learn now .. Do not sleep in class .. ""Ne ... umma .... hehe""Yakh .. I'm not ummamu .. "upset Jessica"Hehehe ... yes SICA baby .. yes already, I closed his phone .. dah .. ummaacchh ... ""Ummacchh ... dah ..."After the call Jessica, a few minutes later a lecturer came in and started college in the afternoon ..2 hours passed finally finished grade. I decided to have lunch with Sooyoung dikantin campus .. because we are artists. Many people who greeted us, asked for a photo with us, even our autograph .. even though it felt very hungry, we still grant the request of the fans."Yul .. what message you? ""Emm .. spaghetti and melon juice .. "I said simply."Okay .."While waiting My Order arrived, I took the last handphoneku browsing news about us .. I will start browsing, but a few moments later I was surprised by an article that makes me hot.

Taecyeon 2PM and SNSD Jessica caught lunch together at a cafe near Dosan Park in Apgujung, Tuesday (04/10/2011).

For an hour, according to eyewitnesses, both enjoyed the food. Although a lot of eyes looking at them, they seem to not care, instead choosing to focus on conversation .. bla .. bla mereka.Bla ... "

After reading the article and see the photos, my heart is getting hotter .. I angrily called Jessica ..

tut .. tut .. tut ..

"Yakh yul .. what's up with .." Sooyoung said.


Tut .. tut .. tut ..

"Aish ... why not raised .." I said annoyed, I called him back ..

Many times I called him but not removed .. in exasperation, I slammed on the table handphoneku.

"Yakh .. yul .. why would you?"

"Soo, we wrote back yuk, I've no mood to eat." I said to her feet. Seeing my expression is not feeling well. Sooyoung said yes ajakanku.

Jessica's POV

After shopping for the items .. someone called me.

"SICA .. jessica ..." he cried .. I turned and found a calling Taecyeon oppa. And he came.

"Annyeong oppa .."

"Annyeong .. must have gone shopping .. "said teacyeon.

"Tau aja .. hehe .. By the way what is oppa doing here? "I asked, because I saw he was alone.

"I'm looking for stuff to ummaku .. "

"Oh .."

"Oya, you're going home?"

"Yet .. I want to eat first and go home .. "

"Coincidentally, I also want to eat do not we eat together?" She said. Actually I would like to invite jury to lunch together, but I'm also not good to refuse Taecyeon oppa.

"Emm .. okay .. "I said.

"Okay .. we ate at the cafe .. XXXX. I hear the food is delicious sanga .. "

"Let oppa .." I said. We then walked together to the cafe. Many pairs of eyes that see us .. but I do not care about it, because I and Taecyeon not have anything to do.

1 hour passed. We then finished eating .. and Taecyeon offer me a ride, though but he still refused to force .. inevitably I will say yes.****

"I came home ... I cried .."

"Oh .. 'm home .. buseet ... really spending a lot .. "admonished Sooyoung who was watching tv with the members except yuri and tiffany.

"Hehe .. soo, where the jury? "

"Emm ... like in her room .. These days he does not look good .. "


"He finished reading the news if you're caught with Taecyeon road .."

"Oya? I was dead .. yuri seems to be mad at me .. "I said ..

"I think so ... he was also nelpon-appointed nelpon you but .."

"Yes, hapeku in the bag, so do not listen .. Yes already, I'm the first jury room. "Ucqpku. I then walked to the jury room.

Tok.tok.tok .. after knocking on the door, I opened the door .. I saw he was sitting on the balcony of his room.

"Love .." I called, but he did not turn around ..

"Yul .." I called again .. He turned to me with that look off ..

"Out." He said coldly.

Yuri POV

"Yul .. you're angry.?? "

"Do you think?"

"Mianhae .. I accidentally met Taecyeon oppa. "

"I do not care .. SICA out, I do not want to see you. "

"Unfortunately .. listen to me .. oath .. I accidentally met him .. believe me .. "

"Hmm ... you seem to be going on a date. Photos that you're very affectionate .. next time be careful when going out .. "yuri said cool ..

"What do you mean? I'm not dating him .. oath .. why do not you trust me? "

"You know .. I've never told you .. I hate to see you close to him .. why do you still do?. "

"I'm not good yul .. I met him, and only lunch .. we're not dating .. "

"Not bad you say? Means that if he asked you to be a lover, you will receive him as bad? Can not you refuse his offer? You do know, I do not like him .. why is it still too close .. and again why you did not lift telponku? You do not want to be disturbed? "

"Unfortunately .. listen to me. I do not like Taecyeon and I might not accept it .. I just yours yul .. and had handphoneku in place on the bag, I did not hear it .. believe me .. "

"Pshaw .. Just for fun ngborol say to him so did not hear .. then why not call me asking pick? I'd tell you to call me if you're home .. why do not you do? And I'm sure that is the man to take you home .. "

"Yes-yes hufft ... my fault .. I'm sorry yul .. "

"Get out .."

"I do not want to get out before you ever forgive me .."

"Nothing to be sorry .. out now .. "

"No .."

"Yes it is, I'm out .." I said .. I walked out in disgust. He called me but I ignored .. I walked into the room tiffany.

Later that night .. after dinner .. Taeyeon read our schedule tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we all dream team event, and then perform in mubank, then perform at the evening event coway .. so that tomorrow you have to get up at 6 am .. "

"Ne .. ahjumma." We said in unison ..

Daritadi Jessica kept looking at me .. but I ignored .. actually this time I was very upset with him.

"Fany .. I slept ditempatmu yah .. "

"Ne yul .." said tiffanay. Jessica looks upset to hear I want to sleep tiffany's room. He stood up and walked into her room.

"Well ... yul .. you angry again? "

"So .."

"Because the article was that??" Said Fany.

"I think so .. I'm just annoyed with it .. he knows I do not like Taecyeon. But still, he was seen with him. Yesterday I still forgive him Fany-ah. When we dijapan .. he drank tea with Taecyeon without my knowledge .. and he lied to her to come home .. "

"Hmm ... it's up to you yul .. you just revert .. do not let you break up again because of this .. "

"Entalah Fany .. I love her, but why did she never hear me .. "

"Hmm .. continue until when are you going mad with it?? Anyway this afternoon event was not entirely wrong .. Jessica "Jessica said Fany little support.

"Do not know .. sudalah .. I've discussed this lazy .. let's sleep .. "I said, I then pulled tiffany entered her room.

Keesekon day ..

This morning we were invited to the event dream team as guests for the event ..

"Yul .. Jessica woke up .. "Taeyeon said.

"Maknae .. You wrote that bangunin yah .. "I said to maknae.

"Ne .. unnie .."

Moments later followed maknae out Jessica .. his eyes looked swollen. Looks like he's crying all night .. crossed, there is little compassion against him .. but a sense of annoyance to him to beat it .. He looked at me, but I did not pay attention to ..

After all is ready. Van came to pick us up .. if the days of yesterday, Jessica and I would sit in the back and making out. But today does not seem to happen .. I chose to sit with tiffany .. and Jessica sat with Hyoyeon .. at a glance I saw Jessica's face look a little jealous of my closeness with tiffany .. and today he's also not much to say .. he chose to sleep than to see me with tiffany.

Jessica's POV

Looking at proximity yuri and tiffany, my heart began to heat, this time I was very, very jealous .. normally we would sleep together, divan together .. but today it did not happen ... because last night he chose to sleep with tiffany, and sat in the van bersamaa Fany .. heard last night he would sleep with my tiffany very, very sick, and let me sleep alone .. consequently my eyes became puffy from crying.

The event begins teampun dream ..

Clayey yuri and tiffany sat side by side, I am No passion so to start the activity. Seen from the look on my face that day I was very, very not in the mood. But inevitably I have to do as this is duty. First of all to do with dance games in front of MC. In order for the heart rate beats faster mc .. and yuri is memenangnkan first games.

Missed the first game .. The second games. Brisk walking .. want it to end this show .. because there is no mood again .. anyway, I also can not be close to the jury ..

These games, I lost because I did not have the intention to win.

When a short break. I sat beside yuri yuri and tiffany sat beside .. he prefers to chat with Tiffany from her lover I own .. T.T

The third game started .. The third game is set setinggin-high box. The member can memantu other members who were playing .. yuri moment is playing .. I hope he called my name. But I was wrong .. he was called tiffany .. again he made me jealous .. T.T

When the turn tiffany .. Fany yuri call for help .. and when they win .. they hugged T.T

"Yul .. how could make me jealous .." I mumbled ..

The next games .. again the jury chose to co-star tiffany .. yuri seems deliberately to make me jealous. And it worked .. Hyoyeon who wins in these games.

Furthermore .. merebutkan race flag .. at the same time last games .. eliminated one by one member .. Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Sunny .. even if the excluded sunny memperdiksikan next is me. But the truth is, I can beat sunny.

Now all that remains. I live, yuri, tiffany, Yoona, Seo, and Hyo .. I started the race and yuri unexpectedly took the same flag .. The fact that a flag is yuri but he let me .. like she wanted me to win ..

But against the remaining members .. I'm lost .. and as a result of winning this match is Hyoyeon ..

Yuri POV

Hoaaa .... Finally over .. we also say goodbye to the crew .. I saw Jessica looked very tired .. and the look on his face is also very, very no mood .. divan he just shut up and fall asleep .. without him knowing it. I asked Jessica Yoona who was sitting next to switch places with me .. I rested my head dibahuku, and I rubbed his head ..

"SICA mian .. if the punishment is too heavy for you" I mumbled .. This day I accidentally close to tiffany, just wanted to punish Jessica .. but now the punishment is over .. I can not stand to see the look on his face that only a grim daritadi,,

Until didorm, all members have been down divan .. and I lived with Jessica ..

"SICA ..." I said wake him, ..

"Hmm ..."

"We have to wake up .." I said, he too opened his eyes. He looked at the sight kanget I have besides ..

"Yul ... why? Not been right next to Yoona?"

"Yes, I asked for Yoona changed places .. I feel sorry for him because it bears a heavy burden on his shoulders because of your head. Come on down .. "I said.

"Yul .."


"We need to talk .."

"Yes .. didorm talk .. "I said. I then mengenggam hands and into the dorm. Didorm arrival took Jessica in. kekamarku ak. Because we do have to talk .. I gave the code to Yoona to sleep at tiffany .. and he too smiled and nodded in understanding.

I went back to the room and locked my bedroom .. Jessica then hugged me ..

"Mianhae .... Jongmal mianhae yul .. "he said.

"Jessica ne .. I forgive you .. also have completed your sentence .. "

"True? Do you forgive me? I promise I will not be shared Taecyeon again .. I was afraid of losing you yul .. once again I'm sorry ... "

"Yes dear Jessica .. I forgive you .. Well do not be repeated again .. "I said stroking her hair and kissed her forehead .. he too smiled happily and I smile back ..

Suddenly without warning, Jessica kissed my lips ..

"Yakh .. why suddenly kissed me?"

"It is only you who can so I can .." he said again .. then he kissed me continue .. I kissed him back .. we kissed for a long time ..

Suddenly she pushed me, and I fell mattress .. He climbed upon me .. and said

"Now accept your sentence .."

"Jessica do as you please .." I replied, smiling rogue ..


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